The Munchies are a group of animated human-like puppets conceived and created by Charlie Tango, Giampietro Cutrino, and Miki Shipperman.
They were the protagonists of three television series produced by The Munchies, the first two aired on Italia 1 and the third on MTV Italia. Since May 2010, a new format has been produced on Italia 1, entitled Eve and the Munchies.
Here the puppets are no longer dealing with prank calls, but with an imaginary story in which they must save the Earth from imminent destruction by the Maya. To do so, they must overcome the limits of space and time and recover the 6 elements of the Munchies Code, the only possibility of salvation for the human race. All with the help of Eve, the only human character in flesh and blood, played by Evelina Manna.
However, some enemies are on their trail, such as the henchmen of Mister X, who has already promised to sell the Earth back to the Mayans, as a new source of space energy. In the series, various characters appear in the form of puppets, including Bob Marley, Marilyn Monroe and even Adolf Hitler and Satan, with the events commentated by Alfred Hitchcock.